SCA Project “One Dollar, One Hope.”

Our annual Pre-Departure Training (PDT) Camp has finally returned after a three-year hiatus, and we are thrilled to announce that it took place at none other than our familiar and nostalgic location, Trapaeng Sangkae Community!
As always, our PDT Camp offered not only enjoyable and exciting team-building activities but also meaningful social contribution initiatives led by SIC and our CPYs. This year, our goodwill ambassadors successfully organized an environmental-educational SCA Project called “One Dollar, One Hope.” Through fundraising efforts, they aimed to enhance local students’ understanding of environmental issues and the importance of recycling. Additionally, they actively participated in mangrove planting—a flagship SCA project of SIC since 2015—under the slogan “One Tourist, Two Mangrove Trees.”
Congratulations to CPYs2023 for the successful organization of your SCA and active participation in this PDT Camp. May you all embark on a remarkable journey ahead! We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to SIC, trainers, organizers, and all ex-PYs for your tremendous support and invaluable efforts in making this PDT Camp a reality. Cheers!